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Matchmaker Matchmaker, Make Me A (Networking Partner) Match!......or a few!

Sara Rosenberg
Posted Sep 14, 2012 1:24 PM
Philadelphia, PA
Post #: 169
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You know how difficult meeting quality people to network with can be! It seems that most professionals are in it for themselves - they throw a business card at you and you never hear from them again. That's not networking - that's wasting business cards!

Business networking isn't about making a sale - it's about building a relationship! It's also about using your connections to help other business owners. It's about give and take.

If this is your networking philosophy, then I have some professionals for you to meet - because it's their networking philosophy too!

At The Power Lunch Project, we match up you up with other local professionals who "get" the networking process (who are TPLP members) and with whom you might be able to form a business relationship with (NOT sell to!). Then we coordinate your schedules and send you off to network with them over lunch or coffee! Each month, you will meet several professionals that match your networking goals - all for just $20/month (you pay for your own lunch or coffee, of course!)

And participating in The Power Lunch Project is a great supplement for the networking activities you already do!

So why not try networking The Power Lunch Project way? It's a great way to meet new people and grow your own network of awesome professionals! (And we aren't just in Philly! We schedule lunches and coffee meetings all over the Philly/NJ/NY region!)

For more information, please visit us at www.ThePowerLunchProject.com

Happy Networking!

Sara Rosenberg
The Power Lunch Project
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