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The Night Barbara Corcoran Launched my Kickstarter Project

Stefan Loble
Posted Jun 18, 2012 5:16 PM
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New York, NY
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NYEBN Folks:

I'll see you at the panel discussion on July 5th. But, in advance I thought I'd share a little piece of my story.

Here's a video of the first time I went public with the details of my entrepreneurial journey, and the night Barbara Corcoran launched my Kickstarter project in Harlem: http://youtu.be/pdxWB...

I hope it fuels your journey!
Deborah D. Jenkins
Posted Jun 19, 2012 7:01 AM
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user 41744422
New York, NY
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Wow. wow, wow! What a great way to inspire us in the morning! Congratulations and much success!
Posted Jun 19, 2012 7:52 AM
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user 13329114
Brooklyn, NY
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Thank you for sharing in the write moment when I just woke up and asked the question of my self Is it going to work should I put my money behind my passion and the company I am trying to create.

Thanks again
Stefan Loble
Posted Jun 19, 2012 11:29 AM
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New York, NY
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Wow! I'm so glad. Thanks for both of your replies.

I hope it works out for you, Soossan.

Andrew Wong
Posted Jun 28, 2012 11:39 AM
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Group Organizer
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Hey man, congrats on raising $128,722 on your Kickstarter campaign. This is much better than the $13,500 original goal. We have a lot to talk about next week indeed!
Stefan Loble
Posted Jun 29, 2012 7:04 AM
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New York, NY
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Thanks, Andrew!

It feels great, and I'm eager to help other NYEBN folks get off the ground in a similar fashion.

It will be a great panel on July 5th!

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