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Greetings Peter! Welcome and hope you come out to one of our activities!!
Hi there!
My name is Justin Werner and I am the artistic director of NY Opera Exchange, a new company here in NYC. We are looking for string players (especially viola) to suppliment an orchestra of members of the Brooklyn Symphony Orchestra for a concert of scenes and arias this month and productions of Mozart's Cosi fan Tutte in April and Verdi's La Traviata in August! Please email us if you are interested! ([masked])
exactly ! well everyone does want to be a millionaire - but the question is - who is actually going to work at it. I have a feeling everyone in this group is willing to work at it. Some of us might be randomly meeting up this Wed. the 9th. If you are free email me - [masked] and I will let you know details when we figure out where.
Hey Peter, welcome to the group! Thanks for joining and look forward to meeting you!
Hi Peter...Welcome to the group. Wishes to see you in one of the meetups!