My name is Ron Formella Im associated with Vested Business Brokers I help people buy and sell businesses
We have 3500 business listed and 40,000 potental buyers registered on our Site my email is and my phone number is cell I work in the NY, NJ, CT and PA area feel free to contact me
The network is a good place to make contacts that can become invaluable for the future
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welcome to the group Ron!
Our heart is like an unfinished puzzle, that is why we search for the perfect one to complete it.I like your profile.Would love to know some more about you.
Hi Ron, welcome to the group. Hope to see you at upcoming events.
hi ron, welcome to our group! i look forward to meeting you at an upcoming evnet in the near future.
Hi Ron, Thanks for joining the Morris & Sussex County Active Fun 40s Plus Group! Look forward to seeing you at one of the upcoming events!
Welcome Ron
Welcome to our group, Ron. Hope to see you at a meetup soon.
hi ron, nice meeting you at the wine tasting! yes, i agree, this place in the fall would be a definite do again!
Hi Ron, Welcome to our other group, I co-post events so you won't miss out :-) See you at Warwick Winery
Hi Ron, Welcome to our group !!! We look forward to meeting you at The Mohawk House