Successful PR, once a monologue, now demands well-armed, targeted campaigns that create influential conversations. We are connectors, effecting the digital and mainstream media dialogue that creates results. Let’s start a conversation.
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Hello, my name is Karl James. I will be attending the New York Healthcare Innovation Group, to network with individuals. I am a Health Education major at York College, CUNY. I am wondering if you know of any internship possibilities? If interested, do email me a message please!
Steve - let's discuss the synergies in our businesses.
joanne [masked]
would like to get cory booker to speak at a HTM event. think you could help?
Hi, Steven. Looking forward to meeting you on the 16th !!
Thanks for the second follow up because the email returned as failure delivery notice.
Hey Steve,
It is a small world....I was the fella who lived in your building near 15th street. How are you doing and how is business?