CEO and business coach at Nations-Partners LLC / United States and Germany.
CEO of Nations-Partners and prior CEO of the Nations Training Centers in Ireland and Germany. Over 20 years of experience as business trainer and coach in Europe and the United States. Known for the merger of theater performance training for business and behavioral psychology in management. I offers through my company a dynamic portfolio of performance- and behavioral training as well as intercultural training and coaching in Europe and the US. English/German bilingual, fluent French speaker. Expanded bio includes film production and writing for film in New York and Los Angeles.
Nations Partners
I'm new at the network but definitely want to continue to meet and explore. Thanks.
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Thanks for the message Karin!! I just emailed you!
Hello Karin,
I'm Laurel Weber Snyder, a presentation skills and media coach for 25 years. I offer individual and group sessions for all levels of professionals from CEO on down; I also work with students and am guest lecturer at several universities. If you need a coach for some of your seminars, I would love to connect with you to learn more about what you offer, and speak about the possibilities! feel free to email me at: [masked]