Michael Frisbie http://photos3.meetupstatic.com/photos/member/9/7/4/2/member_71318722.jpeg


NY Entrepreneurs Business Network (NYEBN) http://photos3.meetupstatic.com/photos/event/9/b/2/7/global_10479719.jpeg 20090510
New York, NY 10011


Brooklyn, NYUSA 11215

Member since:

September 6, 2012



Extremely motivated entrepreneur who is looking to change the way people learn in connecting through the internet. Just moved to NYC and am happy to share ideas and connect with anyone and everyone who's also keen on making a difference.

Optional: Please give your elevator pitch here.

My company, Learn it Live (www.learnitlive.com) empowers any expert from around the world with the ability to interact with his/her greatest fans and supporters. I believe this approach to learning and engaging a dispersed audience will revolutionize how business is done worldwide, and also am in hopes that our work will help absolve certain cultural differences that have limited how far we, as a united world, can go. So all you have to ask is this: who in the world would you love to connect with? Through what we're working on, you not only will be able to connect with this person...but all of this can happen using your computer anywhere, anytime. I'd love to chat with anyone and everyone who finds this concept compelling, and I can't wait to see where we can take it.

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