

NY Entrepreneurs Business Network (NYEBN) 20090510
New York, NY 10011


Emmaus, PAUSA 18049

Member since:

September 20, 2012



Hi, My name is Kim and I am the founder of the Dating Accessory LLC

Optional: Please give your elevator pitch here.

Hi All, I am the founder of a mobile friendly site that offers singles an easy and exciting way to connect. Our "You Caught my Eye" dating card can easily be given anytime, any place. You will be always prepared. The receiver of the card is able to use their smartphone or the web address to access the site (for free) and enter the cards' unique code that connects the givers personal profile. You will never have to worry about giving out any personal information. The BEST part is you have already seen them in person, so no more wondering if their photos and descriptions are accurate and the only people that see your profile are the ones thathave received a card! Dating. Exciting. Easy. Private. Simple "You Caught my Eye" dating card instructions Thank you and have a great day! Kim


Dating Accessory

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  • Welcome to our fun group, you'll meet many new lasting friends with this group and fun adventures and we hope to meet you soon.

    Aug 20, 2012 10:57 PM
  • Hi Kim,

    Thank you for wonderful hospitality at MatchmakingFest. I am looking forward to making it to another of your events.


    Aug 19, 2012 8:09 AM
  • Kim, I understand women get more repsonses and wrtie only when they feel a connection....but how do I get them to feel it? I think my photos are very representative of me and so are my profiles. What does it take to get attention?

    Aug 15, 2012 6:00 PM
  • Kim, I would love to attend your events, but you always have them on sat mornings or early afternoon and I am working. Do you think you could do something later in the afternoon or Sunday? Thank-you! I think this is a great idea and would love to hear what others are saying about dating too.

    Jul 25, 2012 3:33 PM
  • I could probably help you tailor your site. I've been doing online dating since 2002 off and on. Been on just about every website. Eharmony has probably the best offer, due to people have to pay a lot to be on it, and it's very thorough. POF ... not too many good individuals that I've found on there. Always good results with Eharmony, I'll take a crack at this Ms. Matchmaker.

    Jul 24, 2012 2:55 PM
  • Hi Kim,

    It looks like you have two others besides yourself on for Thursday, 6-28. Are you still having the meetup? Beth

    Jun 26, 2012 6:05 PM
  • Hi Kim, Thanks for the welcome. I would attend the upcoming event but will be out of town. I look forward to the next one. Thanks for organizing.

    Jun 24, 2012 10:02 PM
  • Nice meetup tonight @ Vintage Riverview Kim!!! Great job!

    Jun 15, 2012 8:38 PM
  • hi kim sorry i can't make the friday meet up i have to work till 4ish and live over an hour away if it were on a wknd i would make it out to pa no problems there just fridays are crazy in you have any events in nj or all in pa possibly on a wknd day.... either early lunch or late breakfast somewhere good suggestion but do want to meet everyone in the group one day...

    May 22, 2012 11:36 PM
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