I have a BS Elect Engr/Comp Sci and MD and I love innovating using technology applied to health care. I like to work with technologists and clinicians who want to work together to improve health. I hope to meet innovative like-minded people.
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Have I got a collaborative opportuntity for you. Check me out on linkedin by searching for "thincker" or send me an e-mail at [masked]. Looking forward to it.
Interesting introduction ; I am interested in may areas including technology in medicine. Feel free to contact me directly at [masked] or [masked] if you like. Sincerely, Dr. Robert D. Solomon, MD, DABR
Hey David, just noticed your profile. Welcome. Interesting background. As a programmer / entrepreneur Pathology Ph.D. Drop-out, I know how you feel as a translator. We should compare notes one day, perhaps tomorrow.
Greetings! Please phone me at [masked].