Kathy Waldman http://photos3.meetupstatic.com/photos/member/6/a/3/b/member_12027195.jpeg


NY Entrepreneurs Business Network (NYEBN) http://photos3.meetupstatic.com/photos/event/9/b/2/7/global_10479719.jpeg 20090510
New York, NY 10011


New York, NYUSA 10011

Member since:

February 11, 2011


Video production and Photography located in NY

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  • Hi Kathy, Thank you for the "Yes" RSVP. Looking forward to seeing you. Greetings, Jeffrey

    Aug 05, 2012 4:25 AM
  • Thanks for your comment Kathy! Hope to see you at a future event!

    Jul 25, 2012 5:17 PM
  • Hi Kathy. I co-founded OurGoods.org, a barter network for creative people. We're building an environment where artists can unlock the value they create that is not recognized in the consumer marketplace.

    I'm wondering if you might be willing to talk with me briefly about strategies for expanding our Ruby team. We're a non-profit, not a startup, so we need to find someone who is mission-driven like we are.

    I'd be happy to barter for your time. Any advice you could offer would be valuable.

    May 18, 2012 12:09 PM
  • Hi Kathy,

    I am unable to attend this event - would you like to go in my place? You can paypal the $80 to me.

    Caroline Gogolak

    Jan 09, 2012 8:30 AM
  • Hi Kathy! Welcome to Ladies Who Code! I actually have a film background, too. I find that story-telling (and also obsessing over details... I was an editor) really supports my web design and development work. I'd love to hear about your experience with it! See you soon!

    Jun 13, 2011 11:11 AM
  • Hi Kathy, welcome to the group!

    Jun 11, 2011 7:46 AM
  • Hi Kathy:
    Thank you. I would enjoy meeting you and seeing your work. Let me know when you will be at the next event. I will look to see if you have a portfolio link on your profile.

    Jun 08, 2011 10:46 PM
  • Great Meeting You!!

    Apr 18, 2011 6:24 PM
  • Hello Kathy and welcome to the group! I look forward to painting with you soon. Best regards, Danielle

    Mar 02, 2011 9:20 PM
  • Kathy,

    Welcome to the group! Looking forward to seeing you at future events!

    Feb 24, 2011 11:36 PM
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