As a marketing advisor for CPAs, Attorneys, and financial advisors, we develop Marketing Action Plans (MAPs) to comply with their marketing & advertising Code of ethics & compliance obligations. Last week, we launched - Blogging, On-line networking, & Newsletters DONE FOR YOU. We phone call you. We audio record you. We type it up, edit it for grammar & SEO. Call you for approval. Then, the Blogging, On-line networking, & Newsletters DONE FOR YOU.
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I wanted to let you know about a great networking group, the B2B Bash. Check out our meetup group at and see what we're all about.
Our next event is Thursday, September 13th at the awesome Gansevoort Park Rooftop! Take the guesswork out of networking. Sign up in advance. Select the type of businesses you want to meet and get matched in private VIP sessions. Tickets available at
See you there!
Hi Vikram
Nice meeting you last evening. Lets catch up offline over a call or coffee at a convenient time.