Hello Everyone!
I am an immigration attorney specializing in business immigration (E, L, H, O) with additional and unique expertise with in artist and performer visas.
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Thanks for joining New York International, Amanda and welcome! We look forward to meeting you at one of our next events. For weekly highlights on international events in the city sign up for our newsletter via our website www.nyintl.net. For daily updates we're on www.facebook.co
m/nyintl See you soon! Stefanie
I wanted to let you know about a great networking group, the B2B Bash. Check out our meetup group at http://www.meetup.com/NY-Business-to-... and see what we're all about.
Our next event is Thursday, September 13th at the awesome Gansevoort Park Rooftop! Take the guesswork out of networking. Sign up in advance. Select the type of businesses you want to meet and get matched in private VIP sessions. Tickets available at http://www.b2bbash.com.
See you there!
Hi Amanda,
We're super excited to see you tomorrow at our Monthly mixer. Just a reminder that to officially RSVP, we ask that you do it at nycreativeinterns.com/mixer.
Thanks and see you soon!
NYCreative Interns
Hi Amanda,
I hope you're doing well! I see you RSVPed for Creative Diaries: Why You Should Be Blogging tonight at 6:30 pm. I just wanted to remind you to officially RSVP and pay on the Eventbrite page to confirm your spot: http://creativediaries.eventbrite.com... This event will be selling out, so please RSVP on the Eventbrite to make sure you get in. Thank you and I hope to see you tonight!
Hi Amanda,
I hope you're well! I noticed you signed up for our mixer this Tuesday, Jan. 31st on Meetup, but not on the official Eventbrite page: http://nycreativeinterns.com/mixer/ Please sign up on the Eventbrite page as we are trying to get a firm head count (so we know how much pizza to order!). Thank you and hope to see you Tuesday!
Community Manager for NY Creative Interns
Hi Amanda,
We look forward to meeting you at our breakfast meeting.
Please come and experience our group meeting.
All the Best,
Steve Levy
Amanda Goodman, you are welcome among us! Participate often in our cultural & language learning activities. http://www.meetup.com/World-Citizens/
Hi Amanda- thanks for joining. This is a great way to get to meet Finns, learn about our Finnish community and get invited to great events in the City! Hope to meet you soon,