Manager at UBC Financial - UBC is one of the largest and most reputable payment processors in the USA serving over 100,000 merchant locations. At UBC Arie is responsible for building and managing client relationships & new business stategies.
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I do not want to conflict with you by joining groups that you are in. I provide alternative working capital to small and mid-sized businesses through the private funding company from where I work. Let me know if this conflicts with you. Thanks, Ed.
Hi Arie, welcome
Hi Arie, I do a lot of work in financial services and social media. Can't wait to hear your perspectives and exchange ideas.
ARie, Welcome to Manhattan Millionaires! I look forward to meetin you at an upcoming event!
Welcome Arie. Maybe we will meet at the next networkingct event at The DOlce Center in Norwalk on June 24th from 5-8pm. Pen it - it is sure to be a great time!
Hi Arie, We have a large meeting coming up on Thursday, May 13th. Just might be the perfect one to attend. All the best, -Erich
Hi Arie, welcome to Looking forward to meeting you at one of our events.