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Networking meetings help spread each participant's message and extend one's sphere of influence which is good for the final bottom line.
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Hello John!
Welcome to SBN! Looking forward to meeting you in October at the event, don't forget to RSVP! Than you for answering question number 4, ill be planning "mini" meetups depending on everyone's interests (I love golf, but its not fond of me either!). By the way, I've nicknamed you "The Naturalist", would you like me to change it?
Dear John Maniec,
We’re so excited that you have joined Destined for Greatness. We admire your change in career path—that’s a bold and rewarding move! We know we’ll be able to learn from you with your background in education and practice with marketing. We also know that you’ll meet like-minded individuals as well as people with different and refreshing opinions. Check out our first meetup, the NY Moguls Inaugural Champagne Reception, on September 6. We look forward to joining forces with you
Hi John. Welcome to our great organization. Thank you for your efforts to keep us and our homes heathy and free of toxins.
Stay tuned for future networking/referral generation meetings!
Thanks for RSVP'ing to the eco social. Looking forward to meeting you!
H John,
You RSVP's yes for the meeting on December 23rd, but I am canceling that event. I have some painting to do in my soon to open daycare center and planning a special year end meeting is just a little too much on my plate right now ;-) I will see you on December 14th anyway!!
Happy Holidays,