I work with many start-ups and mature business enterprises, advising on everything from initial structuring and set-up to evaluating and completing acquisitions to raising capital from potential investors.
Mark A. Limardo concentrates his practice in corporate and tax planning for complex commercial transactions, including mergers and acquisitions, start-ups, corporate finance, private equity, venture capital and real estate development. Mr. Limardo’s experience spans a wide variety of industries, ranging from affordable housing, community development, mixed-use real estate and public finance to entertainment, hospitality, new media, insurance, mutual/exchange-traded funds and publicly-traded partnerships. Mark also works with real estate developers on residential, commercial and mixed-use projects, taking full advantage of tax-exempt bonds, low-income housing tax credits (LIHTCs), historic tax credits (HTCs), new markets tax credits (NMTCs), and other federal, state and local tax incentives.
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