NYEBN Virtual Classroom ()
This interview is part of the pre-BizTechDay event series. Dan Schawbel () is one of this year's speakers at the BizTechDay New York conference. Check out other speakers at http://bit.ly/d3tnXV.... For NYEBN members, please use promo code NYEBNEarly (good until the end of August) to save 30%. Starting from Sept, you can use promo code NYEBN to save 20% only. Order tickets here. When: 3:00 PM - 3:45 PM, Wednesday, Aug. 18 Where: RSVP is a must. A toll-free number will be sent to those who RSVPed for the event via email 8 hours before the seminar starts. Make sure you don't filter out our emails. Then you can use the number to dial in to listen to the interview Cost: Free for NYEBN members This talk will be focused on the entrepreneurial journey that Dan had embarked on. As a successful entrepreneur, Dan would share how he is able to succeed so fast at a young age and the stories behind his book Me 2.0.
Thanks for your participation, everyone. I look forward to seeing you at the BizTechDay conference - http://www.biztechday.com/regis...
August 18, 2010 at 3:48 PM
like your forecast for twitter, will the future of the blog-o-sphere also become so saturated with random niche content and repetitive content (via crisscross blogging posts) that it will become irrelevant for self promotional marketing?
August 18, 2010 at 3:38 PM
could a personal FB page be also as valuable as a fan page? (this is an argument from many sole proprietorships)
August 18, 2010 at 3:31 PM
twitter executives just cut him off :)
August 18, 2010 at 3:23 PM
how do you monetize your consulting business? Are you working on a consultant basis with a flat fee per project? Are you securing a % of the business' increased growth that you consult?
August 18, 2010 at 3:16 PM
If you have questions that you'd like to ask Dan, please post them here
August 18, 2010 at 2:53 PM
Dial-in info has been sent. While you're in the meeting later, please tweet and communicate real-time by posting comments here
August 18, 2010 at 10:48 AM
Might not be able to ck email again tomorrow frequent enough b4 the 3 pm set time for the conference.So,PLEASE, Send the contact info for us tonight & then again tomorrow again since U said U were going to do that. Need to prepare & take down the info tonight & incorporate it into my day w/ certainty. The Internet, or Ntwork can fail sometimes miserably during the day due to huge traffic sometimes.*Pls also consider{I suggest!}ARCHIVe this conference somewhere so we can go to hear Later IN CASE!
August 17, 2010 at 7:51 PM
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