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This will be a free networking event organized in a different format. Read the following to find out more details: Who should attend: Business professionals in the following industries: ~ Legal ~ Wellness ~ Marketing ~ PR ~ Tech Schedule: 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM Organized discussions: Topic - Social media, Facebook, Privacy and Entrepreneurs (Organized by Bill Manos, Co-Founder of FavRav) Networking: For professionals who don't belong to this industry, they can network near the bar area and the other side of the room. Moderator: Andrew Ran Wong 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM Organized discussions: Asset protection & how to incorporate a company (Organized by Alan H. Russell, CEO of CSS Nevada) Networking: For professionals who don't belong to this industry, they can network near the bar area and the other side of the room. Moderator: Andrew Ran Wong 8:00 PM - 9:00 PM Organized discussions: Wellness, health, nutrition and how to stay young (Organized by Janet Cook, Holistic Health Coach) Networking: For professionals who don't belong to this industry, they can network near the bar area and the other side of the room. Moderator: Andrew Ran Wong Bring your ID. Must be 21 to enter the venue. For members/non-members showing up without RSVPs, the admission is $10 to attend this event. This will not be our typical networking events. Spots will be limited. RSVP early.
As A local real estate agent, I find these events to be paramount to getting more business ! Right now I am creating Buyer packets for my clientele - If you are part of a company who can help my clientele in moving, storage, furniture rental, design, construction, etc, please let me know and send me flyers and/or business cards ! Robert Skinner, Ardor NY Real Estate, 1040 Ave of the Americas, 8th Floor, NY NY 10018 212/915-3680
June 19, 2010 at 9:29 AM
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